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Neptune Trine Moon Transit

Moon Trine Neptune Natal Being born with the moon in a trine aspect with Neptune, you are someone who has big dreams combined with a belief in your ability to bring your inner visions into reality.

How long are Neptune transits?

According to, Neptune moves incredibly slowly through the zodiac. The experts explain: "Neptune takes its time to move through the zodiac, spending roughly 14 years in each sign.

What does Trine moon mean?

"Trine" normally means "threefold" or "triple." In astrology, it means "being the favorable astrological aspect of two celestial bodies 120 degrees apart." On the chart, "trine" generally relates to flow, with planets in a harmonious angle of support.

What does it mean to have a Neptune trine ascendant?

With a Neptune trine Ascendant aspect, life appears to you as the grandest of adventures. There's always more to learn and enjoy, and you likely can't help but feel that the best parts of it are somehow veiled to you. So, you're perhaps in constant pursuit to unmask life's secrets.

What is Moon Neptune aspect?

These people have a natural affinity to music. While everyone enjoys music, people with Moon in harmonious aspect to Neptune respond to music as a vehicle to heal, relax, and to uplift the soul. Naturally perceptive, without even trying they tune into the feelings of others, and the mood of their surroundings.

What does Moon trine ascendant mean?

Moon Trine Ascendant Natal Being born with the moon in a trine aspect with your ascendant, your mind and feelings are attuned to find supportive currents and times of favorable winds, as you are receptive to relationships and resources aligned with your purpose in life.

Where is Neptune transiting now?

Neptune is a very slow-moving planet and takes almost 14 years to finally change a sign and almost 165 years to complete a zodiac cycle. If we talk about the Neptune Transit 2022 Dates, it is travelling in the Aquarius sign at the beginning of the year 2022.

When did Neptune enter Pisces 2022?

April 12, 2022 is a Tuesday — and it also happens to be a once-in-a-lifetime astrological occasion. On that day, the planets Jupiter and Neptune will meet up in the sign of Pisces. These particular planets align every 13 years.

What happens when Neptune retrograde ends?

And once Neptune retrograde comes to an end on December 3, the type of people we used to be will be gone, replaced by more magical and empathetic versions of ourselves. During the time that Neptune spends retrograde, you might pay more attention and take notice of issues such as self-deception, addiction and longing.

What is the finger of God in astrology?

The classic astrological yod is known as "The Finger of God." A yod defined by the two bottom planets — in this case, Uranus and Neptune — being 60 degrees apart and each one being separated from the apex planet by an angle of 150 degrees.

How rare is a Yod in astrology?

A Yod in astrology is relatively rare, and can be seen as “fated.” In any chart, an inconjunct/quincunx aspect is a challenge because the zodiac signs involved speak different languages by element, modality and polarity.

Are kites rare in astrology?

These consists of the Moon, Jupiter, North Node, Venus, Mercury, and Pluto. The main point to take away from this section is that an astrology Kite is uncommon. It's rare for this many planets to be located at these exact positions in the zodiac.

What indicates fame in natal chart?

A full eleventh house is one of the frequent fame indicators in the birth chart. People with important placements such as the Sun or Moon here love being in groups of people, and they tend to be quite popular. Don't forget to see where the rulers of these houses are.

What does Sun trine Neptune mean?

The Sun trine Neptune aspect in their birth chart is indicating they're talented with the arts and also good psychics whose dreams can predict the future. They believe in themselves, but also in a higher power, meaning they're attracted to subjects like religion and spirituality.

What does Mars trine Neptune mean?

Mars trine Neptune natal makes you suave, sexy, creative, and passionate about fighting for worthy causes. You have the ability to effectively motivate people without being forceful or bossy. This ability to attract a following stems from your non-threatening approach, magnetic attractiveness, and spiritual courage.

What is a hard aspect for Neptune?

Neptune's hard aspects to Moon often point out to a childhood where the primary caregiver was somewhat unavailable, perhaps too absorbed by their emotional hardship, perhaps away physically, or away emotionally. With this aspect, it's difficult to say how much is nature and how much is nurture.

What happens when the moon squares Neptune?

Being born with the moon in a square aspect with Neptune, you are someone who needs to retreat from the world into your own imaginative space at times in order to find nourishment. You can have big feelings and are sensitive to all the emotions circulating in your vicinity.

What does Moon opposition Neptune mean?

The Moon opposite Neptune aspect makes people more sensitive from an emotional point of view, even to the point where they can no longer understand others or their feelings. This means they should pay more attention when interacting with people and not get a faulty impression about them.

What does Moon trine Venus mean?

In a natal chart, the Moon Venus trine means you are sensual and quite attractive to other people but need to pay more attention to your actions. Be mindful of the Moon trine Venus transit because you might not be able to concentrate as well as usual and there is a heightened risk of mistakes.

What does Moon trine Jupiter mean?

Individuals born during the Moon trine Jupiter are expecting their life to be successful and very optimistic because Jupiter is the ruler of luck, whereas the Moon favors their fortune. They possess a creative mind and an imagination with good potential, so they must develop their artistic spirit.

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